Not getting enough physical exercise and a good diet, especially when you deal with work stress regularly, is bad for your overall health. However, exercising and eating healthy is not only great for your physical well-being, but they are also great for your mental well-being as well.
Unfortunately, when stress takes over, some of the first things that suffer are the things we need the most – sleep, physical fitness and good nutrition.
It is also not always easy to fit in regular workouts around hectic family schedules, time pressures, and heavy workloads. So, how exactly does the busy individual remain productive and stay healthy?
We have compiled five tips below for staying fit and healthy while dealing with work stress.
1. Move More Often
Incorporating movement into your daily routine is an easy way to get physically active. Alternate between standing and sitting all through the day. Spending more time on your feet is not only a great way to prevent weight gain, but it also makes your nervous system tired so that you can get better sleep at night.
Trying going to speak with a colleague instead of sending an email, go for walking meetings, use the stairs or the toilets in a different part of the building and so on. Implementing these simple changes will, over time, make a huge difference in the way you feel.
2. Use a More Active Commute
Since you do it almost every day, using a more active commute is one of the easiest ways to incorporate exercise into your daily activities. Consider switching some or all of your journey to physical activities like cycling, running or walking. This may be daunting at first, but it will get easier over time.
Also, think about parking your car further away from the office and walking the rest of the short distance, getting off the bus at a bus stop away from your regular stop point, or walking around the block before going into work.
3. Plan
Planning your healthcare with a private insurance provider will ensure that you will be able to see a doctor easily, should you need to. Having that degree of organisation in place is vital, especially if you want to makes sure you’re not waiting to be seen for any medical issue in the future.
4. Make Sleep a Priority
The recommended hours of sleep is 7-9 hours a day; if you are not getting this, then it can become a problem. You might find yourself overeating (which leads to weight gain), feeling unproductive, unhappy, or finding your sex drive waning.
Do not fall into the trap of sacrificing sleep for the sake of your job; it is self-destructive, and will only lock you into an unhealthy cycle of unproductivity, bad moods and bad health. Get enough sleep every night.
5. Stay Away from the Vending Machine
The vending machine always looks attractive when you have very little time and are hungry. Don’t be tempted. Vending machines are filled with unhealthy snack choices that do nothing for your energy levels. Refined starch and sugary food will only wreak havoc on your mood, swinging you between highs and lows.
The best way to maintain your energy levels is to fill up on fruits and veggies, eating whole grains and ditching the sweets for healthy snacks such as nuts and whole-grain crackers.